. Marketing messages. Make your marketing messages compelling, powerful, and most of all, easy to understand. Your target audience must know what you are selling and what problem you solve the first time they see your ads in the online arena.
2. Inform first before you advertise. Instead of just advertising your products and services, it would be best if you can position yourself as an expert on your chosen niche first. This is to earn the trust and respect of your target audience. You can do this by sharing insider tips and valuable information that speaks volumes about your expertise through article marketing, ezine publishing, blogging, and forum posting.
3. Video marketing. Take advantage of video sites especially those that attract millions of online users like YouTube. Create a video showing how your products are being used or simply share information on how your viewers can solve their problems. Your goal here is to impress them and convince them that you are really good on what you do to get them to visit your website.
4. Join relevant teleseminars and webinars. These are types of seminars where specific topics are discussed. Join those that are popular among your target audience and share a slice of your expertise. This is one of the best ways to promote yourself and to create product awareness.
5. Email marketing. Get in touch with your potential clients by simply sending them newsletters and ads directly to their mailbox. Use compelling headlines to improve your open rate. Make sure that your ads are compelling, benefit-driven, and that they target human emotions.. Marketing messages. Make your marketing messages compelling, powerful, and most of all, easy to understand. Your target audience must know what you are selling and what problem you solve the first time they see your ads in the online arena.
2. Inform first before you advertise. Instead of just advertising your products and services, it would be best if you can position yourself as an expert on your chosen niche first. This is to earn the trust and respect of your target audience. You can do this by sharing insider tips and valuable information that speaks volumes about your expertise through article marketing, ezine publishing, blogging, and forum posting.
3. Video marketing. Take advantage of video sites especially those that attract millions of online users like YouTube. Create a video showing how your products are being used or simply share information on how your viewers can solve their problems. Your goal here is to impress them and convince them that you are really good on what you do to get them to visit your website.
4. Join relevant teleseminars and webinars. These are types of seminars where specific topics are discussed. Join those that are popular among your target audience and share a slice of your expertise. This is one of the best ways to promote yourself and to create product awareness.
5. Email marketing. Get in touch with your potential clients by simply sending them newsletters and ads directly to their mailbox. Use compelling headlines to improve your open rate. Make sure that your ads are compelling, benefit-driven, and that they target human emotions.
For over 10 years I was an addict and needed dual diagnosis rehabilitation when I got the help I needed, I could start living my life again.